Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Employees Indonesia

  • No Indonesian Language Proficiency Test for Foreign Workers in Indonesia

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo wants to drop the regulation that states a foreign worker needs to learn Indonesian. Today (21/08), Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said President Widodo (often called Jokowi) requested Hanif Dhakiri, Indonesian Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, to revise this regulation (that was issued in 2013). According to Jokowi the language proficiency requirement would make Indonesia’s investment climate less competitive and could therefore hamper much-needed investment.

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Latest Columns Employees Indonesia

  • Wages of Indonesian Employees Reregulated (3/3)

    In previous weeks we discussed the new Ministry of Manpower regulation number 78 of 2015 concerning Wage (New Regulation). We explained the regulations set by the New Regulation related to the wage structure, non-wage and calculation of wage of employees in Indonesia. We also discussed the regulations regarding the payment of wage during absence of employees in Indonesia. In the column of this week we discuss the regulations set by the New Regulation regarding minimum wages and the imposition of fines by the employer to the employee.

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  • Wage of Indonesian Employees Reregulated (1/3)

    On October 23, 2015, the Ministry of Manpower issued regulation number 78 of 2015 concerning Wage (New Regulation). The New Regulation is replacing the old regulation number 8 of 1981 concerning the Protection of Wage (Old Regulation). The New Regulation is a far more detailed implementation of regulations concerning wage/salary for employees in Indonesia compared to the Old Regulation and covers more subjects.  In this first out of a three series column, we discuss the salary structure, non-wage and calculation of wage.

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  • New Expatriate Regulation Indonesia further Tightens Rules

    On June 29, 2015, the Minister of Manpower (Minister) issued regulation number 16 of 2015 on the Procedures to Employ Expatriates (New Expatriate Regulation), which revokes the old regulation number 12 of 2013 (Old Regulation). The New Expatriate Regulation impacts expatriates who are planning to work in Indonesia and who are already working in Indonesia and the local companies employing the expatriates. In this column we will discuss the most important changes for expatriate employees and their employers.

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  • Fixed Term Employees in Indonesia: Early Termination

    Early termination of the employment agreement of fixed term employees in Indonesia is separately regulated from termination of permanent employees in the Indonesian Law number 13 of 2003 regarding Manpower (Labor Law). Fixed term employees have an employment agreement which will end at a particular date, or on completion of a specific task or project. In this column we will discuss the reasons of termination of the employment agreement of fixed term employees and its financial impact on the employee or the company.

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  • Overview of Termination Compensation in Indonesia

    Indonesian Law number 13 of 2003 regarding Manpower (Labor Law), stipulates four types of termination compensation which are applicable to permanent employees upon termination of their employment agreement: uang pesangon, uang penghargaan masa kerja, uang pisah, and uang penggantian hak. In this legal business column we will explain the exact meaning of each type of termination compensation and how each termination compensation is calculated based on the Labor Law.

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