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Latest Reports Indonesian Heroes

  • Four New Indonesian Heroes (Pahlawan Nasional) Added on Heroes Day

    Today is Hari Pahlawan (Heroes’ Day) in Indonesia. On this day, which is always celebrated on 10 November, Indonesia commemorates those people (posthumously) that have made a significant contribution to the country. Currently, the list of Indonesian heroes numbers 163 people (only 12 of which are women), and most of whom were involved in the battle against colonialism. Each year, the Indonesian president can add names to this list. This year, Indonesian President Joko Widodo added four names.

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Latest Columns Indonesian Heroes

  • National Heroes Indonesia: Ki Hajar Dewantara; Education Pioneer

    Ki Hajar Dewantara (also known as Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat), 1889-1959, was a writer, columnist, politician and advocator of Indonesian independence from the Dutch colonial power. However, he may be most remembered for his pioneering role in the development of education in the Indonesian colony. A native of Yogyakarta (Java), Dewantara founded the Taman Siswa school in 1922 in Yogyakarta. This school provided education for native Indonesians, whereas previously education was limited to the Dutch colonials and Javanese aristocracy.

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  • National Heroes of Indonesia: Abdul Muis; Writer, Journalist & Nationalist

    Abdul Muis (in old Indonesian spelling Abdoel Moeis), 1886-1959, was an Indonesian novelist, journalist and advocator of Indonesian independence from the Netherlands. As a novelist, Muis is most remembered for being the author of Salah Asuhan (Wrong Upbringing), a novel that is regarded as one of the great pieces of early modern Indonesian literature. As a journalist and freedom fighter, he is remembered for his blunt criticism toward the colonization of Indonesia. As a result he was arrested and spent several years in exile.

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