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Latest Reports Anti-Dumping Duties

  • Indonesia May File Compaint at WTO over US Anti-Dumping Duties

    In early April 2018 the United States confirmed steep anti-dumping duties and countervailing duties on Indonesian biodiesel imports. Published through the Federal Register the US imposed additional duties that range between 126.97 percent and 341.38 percent. For sure, this seriously harms the competitiveness of Indonesian biodiesel shipments to the world's top economy. If the policy is not altered, then it basically means the end of Indonesian biodiesel exports to the US market.

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  • EU Court Rules in Favor of Indonesia in Anti-Dumping Duty of Biodiesel

    After the World Trade Organization (WTO) had ruled, largely, in favor of Indonesia (in January 2018) in the battle between Indonesia and the European Union (EU) regarding the latter's anti-dumping duties on Indonesian biodiesel exports, Indonesia has now also won its appeal at the EU court. The European Court of Justice, the highest court in the EU, ruled that the bloc needs to scrap its anti-dumping duties on imports of Indonesian biodiesel products that range between 8.8 - 23.3 percent.

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  • US Confirms Preliminary Anti-Dumping Duty on Indonesian Biodiesel

    Wilbur Ross, US Secretary of Commerce, stated that the US Department of Commerce issued an affirmative final anti-dumping duty on biodiesel shipments that originate from Indonesia. The statement was released overnight (21/02). The decision was made to improve the situation of local US biodiesel producers as their business was undermined by cheap biodiesel imports from Indonesia (and Argentina).

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  • Biodiesel Producers in Indonesia Looking for New Export Markets

    Indonesian biodiesel producers are in search of new export markets after the USA announced to introduce heavy anti-dumping duties and anti-subsidy rates on palm oil-based biodiesel imports from Indonesia. The Trade Ministry said Indonesia exported USD $255.6 million worth of biodiesel to the USA in 2016. This constitutes 89.2 percent of Indonesia's total biodiesel shipments.

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  • Steel Manufacturers in Indonesia Request Anti-Dumping Duties

    Indonesian steel manufacturers urge the government to curb the dumping of steel by foreign traders in Indonesia. Hidayat Triseputro, Executive Director of the Indonesian Iron and Steel Industry Association (IISIA), says the key problem is the free trade zone in Batam (located close to Singapore) where steel can be imported duty-free.

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  • Indonesia Hit by US Anti-Subsidy Duties & Loses WTO Appeal

    In a final ruling, released overnight (09/11), the US Commerce Department set anti-subsidy rates in the range of 34.45 - 64.73 percent for palm oil-based biodiesel imports that originate from Indonesia. This final ruling was slightly lighter than the preliminary 41.06 - 68.28 percent range that was set in August 2017.

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  • USA Imposes Anti-Dumping Duties on Biodiesel Imports from Indonesia

    On Monday (23/10) the US Commerce Department issued a preliminary ruling and decided to set anti-dumping duties of 50.71 percent on biodiesel imports from Indonesia. Meanwhile, the USA also set anti-dumping duties, ranging between 54.36 to 70.05 percent, on soy-based biodiesel imports from Argentina.

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  • Awaiting Final US Ruling over Indonesia's Alleged Biodiesel Dumping

    Stakeholders in Indonesia's biodiesel industry are waiting for the final ruling of the US Commerce Department regarding the dumping of biodiesel products on the American market. The USA accuses Indonesia and Argentina of subsidizing biodiesel exports, hence leading to uncompetitive US vegetable oils (particularly soybean oil).

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  • USA Plans to Impose 40% Anti-Dumping Duties on Indonesian Biodiesel

    The US government plans to impose 40 percent import duties on biodiesel products that are shipped from Indonesia as the USA accuses the world's largest palm oil producer and exporter of dumping biodiesel products on the American market. As a result US vegetable oils (particularly soybean oil) lack competitiveness.

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  • Indonesia to File WTO Complaint over EU's Anti-Dumping Duties on Biodiesel

    Indonesia is set to file a complaint at the World Trade Organization (WTO)'s Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) later this month over the anti-dumping duties that were imposed by the European Union (EU) on biodiesel exports from Indonesia. Since the implementation of these anti-dumping duties in 2013 - ranging between 8.8 to 20.5 percent or €76.94 to €178.85 per ton - Indonesia's biodiesel exports to the EU plunged severely, from USD $625 million in 2013 to an estimated USD $9 million in 2017.

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Latest Columns Anti-Dumping Duties

  • WTO Rules in Favor of Indonesia on EU's Biodiesel Anti-Dumping Duties

    In the battle between Indonesia and the European Union (EU) regarding the latter's anti-dumping duties on Indonesian biodiesel exports, Indonesia won six out of seven legal challenges. Indonesia had challenged the EU's duties, set in 2013, on biodiesel imports from Indonesia and Argentina. The World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled, largely, in favor of Indonesia.

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  • No Anti-Dumping Duties on Steel Imports for Indonesia's Automotive Sector

    The Indonesian government approved the request of Indonesia's automotive sector to be exempted from the anti-dumping duties that have been imposed on imports of steel from specific countries. Through Finance Ministry Regulation No. 65/2013 on Anti-Import Duties, the government set import duties - ranging between 7 and 55.6 percent - for steel imports from China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam in an effort to protect the domestic steel manufacturing industry amid a global steel oversupply (particularly caused by a supply glut in China).

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