Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Culture

  • Local Festivals Form Great Strategy to Boost Local Economies

    Events that are organized in the regions of Indonesia should be able to boost the local economies as a big number of domestic and foreign people come to visit the events. These visitors need a place to stay, eat & drink, and are usually interested in buying some local souvenirs. Hence, their money is injected in the local economy.

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  • Where to Go, What to Do in Jakarta this Saturday (22 July 2017)?

    For those who are visiting Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta for either touristic purposes or business - and wonder what to do this weekend - there are several events that may be of your interest: (1) the Indonesia Fashion & Craft 2017, (2) Green Habit, Inspiring People to Care About the Ecosystem, and (3) Indonesia Kita (Our Indonesia).

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  • Remarkable News Indonesia: Government Bans Gay Emoticons

    Indonesia is in the news today after it was reported that the government ordered all instant messaging providers - for example Line, Twitter and WhatsApp - to remove gay emoticons (such as same-sex couples holding hands or making kiss gestures at each other). Through this removal the government tries to safeguard the local culture and (religious-inspired) ethics hence protecting the nation's children from an example of bad western behavior.

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  • Idul Fitri Celebrations and Mudik Tradition in Indonesia Relatively Smooth

    The Idul Fitri celebrations (also known as Lebaran) in Indonesia appear to take place in a safe and orderly manner. Idul Fitri is an important religious holiday for Muslims as it stresses the importance of unity for the Islamic community, and marks the end of the holy fasting month (Ramadan). Business comes to a near stand-still in Indonesia during these days, and Jakarta, the political and economic center of Indonesia, has become empty after millions of people went back to their hometowns ahead of Idul Fitri (this is known as the annual mudik tradition).

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  • Indonesian Culture: Annual Mudik Tradition ahead of Lebaran Has Begun

    The annual mudik tradition has started in Indonesia. The term mudik refers to the exodus of Indonesian workers from the cities back to their hometowns ahead of Lebaran (the Indonesian name for Idul Fitri) which starts on 28 July 2014. Lebaran, a national holiday (from 28 July to 1 August), marks the end of the holy fasting month of Ramadan and is usually celebrated at people’s places of origin, implying that Indonesian cities become more-or-less deserted for one week. In the week up to Lebaran people start to mudik.

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Latest Columns Culture

  • Islam & Indonesian Culture: Impact of Idul Fitri on the Economy

    Next week Indonesia's financial and stock markets are closed for Idul Fitri (also known as Lebaran or Eid al-Fitr), the celebrations that mark the end of the holy Islamic fasting month (Ramadan). As usual, during the Ramadan month (that started in early June) business activities in Indonesia start to slow and this slowdown will reach its "peak" during the Idul Fitri holiday, a national holiday (from Monday 4 July to Friday 8 July) when some 17.6 million Indonesians who live and work in the bigger cities will return to their places of origin for a couple of days (a tradition called mudik).

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  • Exhibition Indonesian Art Group Tromarama in Stedelijk Museum

    From 12 June to 6 September 2015, the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, a Dutch museum dedicated to modern and contemporary international art and design, exhibits the work of Indonesian art group Tromarama. Tromarama, formed in 2006 (in Bandung), consists of Febie Babyrose (1985), Herbert Hans (1984) and Ruddy Hatumena (1984), all graduated from the well-known Bandung Institute of Technology. Although the group experiments with different artistic approaches, animation remains their favourite means of expression.

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  • Tourism in Indonesia: One of Indonesia's Untapped Potentials? (Part I)

    Whenever the topic of tourism in Indonesia is touched upon, most people will instantly think of Bali. This small but famous island harbors all sorts of entertainment that will appeal to various segments of international tourism: beautiful landscapes, Balinese Hinduism, lively nightclubs, beaches and more. But apart from Bali - and despite the fact that Indonesia has much to offer on other islands - the country has disappointed in attracting a large amount of foreign tourists so far.

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